ACCBF a program of A Warriors Mission Inc a trusted 501(c)(3) charity

American Childrens Cancer Benevolence Fund Updates

All of the news, resources, updates and more brought to you by the American Childrens Cancer Benevolence Fund.



learn about Sam's battle with High Risk Neuroblastoma

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Hidden Struggles of Families Battling Childhood Cancer

Imagine hearing the words no parent ever wants to hear: "Your child has cancer." In that moment, the world stops. The walls close in

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Izabella Phoenix Eckhardt Obituary

Izabella Phoenix Eckhardt Obituary

Continue reading "Izabella Phoenix Eckhardt Obituary"

Jack's Story

Meet Jack

Jack's story is a powerful testament to resilience and the strength of family bonds in the face of unimaginable challenges

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Learn about Karter's battle with Osteosarcoma of the Humerus

Continue reading "Karter" is made possible thanks to people like you.

We depend on donations to keep our information available for the families who need it most.
